Bow Hunting Safety Measures

Bow hunting is part of the beautiful art of archery and it should not be used to kill animals. In spite of that, hunting is a pastime for several people. It is difficult to stop those who indulge in hunting animals with bows but they should at least take several precautions and safety measures while going for bow hunting. Some of the most important factors involved in the safety practices in bow hunting are presented here.

Bow Hunting in Groups

If you go alone on a bow hunting venture, the risks are higher. You might get injured accidentally and land into a serious situation. Further, you might be attacked by dangerous animals without warning when you are alone. Hence, hunting in groups is always advisable. When an animal comes into the hunting range, at least one of the hunters would sight it and warn the others. Further, the hunters should keep a safe distance from one another but be able to see the others. This is important when one hunter stops abruptly or trips. The others would be able to help the hunter in trouble immediately. Further, enough first aid materials should be carried along based on the number of persons in the group. The first aid kit should include important items such as insect repellents, snake-bite protection equipment, etc.

Maintenance of Bow Hunting Equipment

The condition of the bow hunting equipment is important when you go on a hunting expedition. The bow should be maintained with great care and attention. You should ensure that the bow is perfect condition and it is not exposed to extreme variations of temperature or humidity. Many bow hunters generally leave their bows outside the camping cabin, so that it is not brought out from the warm confines of the cabin to the cold air of the morning, exposing it to sudden change in temperature.

Similarly, the quivers also need constant inspection, attention and safety measures. On many occasions, the broadhead of the arrow works through the bottom seams of the quiver and injures you when you are carrying it on your back. You can prevent this hazard by fitting a thin sheet of metal such as copper to the inside of the lining at the bottom of the quiver. The metal sheet could be fixed in the shape of a cup with a height of around four inches and fitted tightly to the bottom lining of the quiver. This would prevent the point of the arrow from piercing the bottom of the quiver and injuring your back. At the same time, the metal cup should be reinforced with thick sponge rubber to prevent the broadhead from scrapping against the metal and losing its sharpness. The sponge would also prevent the arrows from clanging against each other and becoming dull.

Common Accidents in Bow Hunting

Majority of the accidents during bow hunting are self-inflicted, due to lack of proper precautions, absence of common sense, and a careless attitude. The hunter should not put the arrow to the bow and nock it before sighting the game. This would avoid injury by the arrow if the hunter stumbled and fell down. Further, the hunter should also be watchful of each step, since even small hurdles in the path could easily trip a person. Falling down and getting pierced by the arrow is a common accident that most hunters had encountered in the past. As such, it is advisable to keep the arrow in the quiver until you sight the game. You should take out the arrow and put it in the bow only when you are sure that the game is in clear sight and within the shooting range.

Further, when you hunt in a group, the possibility of accidentally hitting another hunter definitely exists. The bows used in hunting usually do not have a long range. With short range bows, random shooting against the game could easily hit another hunter in the group. Hence, adequate care should be taken to ensure that the game is clearly sighted and within the range of shooting. The hunters should coordinate themselves, so that only the game is aimed at and shot by one or more hunters. This could be achieved through previously arranged sign language.

The other types of accidents occur when the hunter is not in the process of hunting. Many bow hunters and arrowsmiths had injured themselves while sharpening the point of the arrow or filing an edge. Even serious hand slices had been recorded. Careful handling of the equipment while preparing them for the forthcoming hunting is required. This would help in avoiding injuries to the hand or other parts of the body, even when the sharpening instruments slips from your hand accidentally.

If all the above precautionary and safety measures are meticulously followed in bow hunting, you would be able to avoid all dangers and risks and hunt your favorite game in the safest possible manner.

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